Friday, March 16, 2012

Assignment 4

For this project I plan to focus on the connection between life  and death. I plan to use photography to express myself in art form. I hope to expand my knoowledge in the subject as well as medium.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Inspiring Artist

Anne Geddes

Anne Geddes is a famous photographer, mostly known for her photographs including babies. She frequently uses unique ideas incorperating the new lives into whimsical settings. She successfully shows the wonderful connection between mother and child as well with her "My Pregnancy" gallery.

She has inspired me because growing and continuing my artistic identity i hope to become a specatcular photographer like she is. She has helped me relate to this project she shows how wonderful life is and how bringing new life into the world is magical and educational for all.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Word of the day #5

Get Scared
(Nicolas Matthews or what he prefers “Story teller-Nicholas” of Get Scared)

When you think of ghosts or any kind of connection with the "beyond" peoples first reaction is fright. The media has created this world horror and mystery. Shows such as American Horror Story, Ghost Whisperer, and Ghost Hunter challenge us to explore the frightening aspects of these situations that leave just enough mystery for us wanting more.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Word of the Day #4


Fire is often associated with hell. Even though its a natural occuring event in life it is frequently linked to the presence of evil.

Word of the day #3


When we think of heaven we often look to the sky. Also, when we need comfort we think of our loved ones that are lost looking down on us.

Word of the day #2


Bringing new life into the world is a magical experience. Anne Geddes is beyond creative when she creates these esquisite portrates.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Assignment #1

Life Vs. Death

            Life and afterlife
            Family generations
            New life-babies
            Heaven vs. Hell
            1. What happens to us when we pass?
            2. Are ghosts real?
            3. Does reincarnation really happen?
            4. Am i afraid of death?
            5. Have a had an encounter with someone from the afterlife?
            6. Have i ever been haunted by someone from my past?
            7. How  many people close to me have i lost?
            8. Is there heaven? Is there hell?
            9. How has the loss of people close to me affected me and the ones around me?
            10. Will there be a zombie apocolypse?